
DIY torque wrench

When tightening the nuts and bolts (especially in the process of repairing the hinges of the suspension, intake manifold and other components of the car), it is necessary to observe a strictly specified tightening torque. Detailed information on acceptable values ​​can be found on the Internet without any problems. By observing the exact tightening torque of the nuts and bolts, the mating surfaces are more firmly and evenly adjacent to each other.

Beer croutons with garlic, a simple recipe

Garlic croutons are incredibly tasty and easy to prepare. The crispy crispy bread crust combined with the characteristic garlic aroma perfectly emphasize the taste of light or dark beer. This is a great snack option for a large company and outdoor recreation. Ingredients and recommendations To whip up hot appetizing croutons with garlic for beer, you need a simple list of products that can be bought at the nearest store: bread - 1 roll; butter - 200 gr; hard cheese - 150 gr; garlic - 4 cloves; parsley and dill.

Nut cracker driven by a power window motor

Tired of chopping walnuts with your hands? Then make a simple nut cracker driven by a car window motor for cracking the shell. With this device, you can chop a large number of nuts with a high percentage of the output of the whole kernel. In this case, the nut cracker replaces the hammer.

Very useful "armor" for the floor in the passenger compartment

In this review, we will talk about one to the ugliness of a very simple but useful thing that is useful in every passenger car (especially new). She presents a metal sheet, which is curved in a special way, repeating the bends of the floor in the cabin near the driver's seat. Thickness is approximately 1 mm. The sheet is primed and varnished.

Cold forged tool from old bearings

Someone collects "ferrous metal" in the garage to be turned in later, and home-made workers for their crafts. If you have a couple of bearings lying around and the rod from the shock absorber strut, you can make a very interesting device out of them for bending steel bars and metal strips. This tool will make elements for the fence or fence.

5 ways to sharpen a knife without a sharpener in the field

It is more convenient, productive and safer to use a sharp knife, which can only be achieved by sharpening correctly performed. When working with a blunt tool, you have to apply a lot more effort than is required for the work to be done with a well-sharpened cutting tool. If during a tense, and therefore not too controlled, manipulation of a blunt knife, he breaks off the cut material and lands on the fingers, then it turns out to be sharp enough to cause a painful and sometimes severe injury.

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