Interesting Articles 2024

Sweet basket

Today, delicious baskets are at their peak. They can be filled with fruits or vegetables, sausages or cheeses, sweets and other sweets. Such a gift is selected taking into account the taste preferences of the recipient, but there are some patterns. For example, it would be logical for a man to present a bouquet of beer snacks to a child, gingerbread cookies and marmalade to a child, and a set of sweets or fruits for girls.

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Homemade clamp for processing small parts

For more convenient processing of small metal blanks, the author proposes to make a do-it-yourself simple home-made clamp. To do this, he uses two stainless steel plates (halves of medical tweezers). First of all, it is necessary to align both plates with a hammer. Then the master drills two holes in the plates with a drill with a diameter of 1.5 mm.

Cardboard mini box

If you plan to give someone a small souvenir, then take care of its packaging. A beautiful box looks much more presentable than a paper or cellophane wrapper. Moreover, making a box is very easy on your own. The origami technique allows you to make such packaging that you do not need to fasten with glue.

The drill is not fixed in the perforator cartridge: how to fix it?

Very often when working with a punch, you have to face such a problem when the drill is not fixed in the cartridge, and falls out. Naturally, working in this case will not work. However, this problem is easily solved at home without contacting a service center. In this review, we will tell you how to properly disassemble a perforator cartridge and replace a failed part.

Sleep mask - Panda

A sleep mask is a salvation for those who like to fall asleep in pitch darkness. Comfortable, soft mask "Panda" will be a good gift as a nice night accessory. Following the simple steps, make a mask for yourself or as an exclusive gift. For work you will need: • Sewing machine.

Three simple homemade bike maintenance

Each cyclist must be able to independently fix various problems, as well as maintain his bike. If you don’t have the right tool from your standard set at hand, simple homemade tools that can be easily made with your own hands at home will help. Homemade key for bicycles If the geometry of rotation of the wheels of the bicycle is violated ("eights" appeared), it is better to solve the problem here and now, without delaying until better times.

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Chainsaw sharpening stand

When sharpening the chain of an electric or chainsaw with a file, it is necessary to conveniently fix the tire to the surface. A homemade stand with a clamp may come in handy for this. Moreover, this device can be used both in the workshop and in camping conditions. To make a stand with a clamp for sharpening a chain of a chainsaw, you need a U-shaped clamp (you can make it yourself from improvised materials), as well as 2 pieces of a steel square.

Device for unscrewing bolts and nuts from old pliers

Of the old pliers, whose lips are "licked", you can make a simple adapt to unscrew the bolts and nuts. In this case, we are talking about bolts and nuts that do not give in if you try to unscrew them with an ordinary open-end wrench or ring spanner. For the manufacture of home-made tools, in addition to old pliers, you will need other materials: two pieces of studs of different diameters, two elongated nuts, and also four nuts of a standard shape.

How to make a scraper on wheels for quick snow removal

In areas where there is a high rainfall during the winter, cleaning the area from snow can be a real problem. Using a shovel to clean paths and driveways manually is tedious and time consuming. Therefore, the author offers an alternative option - to make a scraper on wheels for quick snow removal with your own hands.

How to chop potatoes in a spiral

To cut the potatoes into an even spiral, you will need a special adaptation from a meat stick, a clerical blade and a dowel for drywall. The screw dowel has an external thread, the pitch of which is well suited for the thickness of the cut. The stick is the guide, and the blade is thin and sharp enough to easily cope with the task.

Toy "Good Brownie"

The tale of a pretty little house inspired my granddaughter with her own creativity. The search for materials took perhaps more time than the sewing itself, because we came up with a simple pattern and worked four hands. To create a patchwork brownie we needed: • A little denim and checkered cotton fabric - the second was intentionally worn, because the mythological creature lives behind the stove and does not care too much about its costume.

Finger Theater

Finger Theater based on the Russian folk tale "Teremok" Materials and tools: - multi-colored hard felt 1-1.2 mm thick. Soft felt will not work, as it does not hold its shape; - black beads for the eyes (can be replaced with a French knot); - multi-colored threads for sewing in tone of felt; - sewing machine (can be sewn manually); - decorative elements to decorate the tower; - a needle; - scissors; - ruler.

Cheerful snowman made of cotton

What do children do when winter comes? Of course, making snowmen is a favorite pastime for children of different ages. And even adults do not remain, indifferent to this, they also participate in this entertainment. But unfortunately, it is impossible to predict when the snow will fall, but you still want to make a snowman. So, let's make it together from cotton wool, and other improvised materials.

How to hide a folder using notepad

This is a very simple way to hide the folder with the necessary documents without installing any software. You will need only a standard notebook, which is in all versions of Windows. You can access your folder with a password. 1. Open the notepad and copy this code into it: cls @ECHO OFF title Folder sdelaysam-svoimirukami.

Do-it-yourself round wooden folding table

In this review, the author shows how to make a round folding table made of wood with your own hands. A folding table is perfect for hanging out in the country or outdoors, and will also optimize the space. First of all, it will be necessary to cut the blanks from the boards, as well as glue (or buy ready-made) two shields for the manufacture of halves of the countertop.

How to remove the mounting foam

Surely you have encountered such a problem as a frozen mounting foam. This problem is often dealt with by installers of windows or doors, as they constantly work with foam. But if they already have enough knowledge on how to use and remove the remnants of this material, then most people just do not have enough experience and often find themselves in a situation where the foam has hit any surface and has hardened.

Current Indicator

There is a need to track the presence of a current flowing in a circuit in two states: either there is or not. Example: you are charging a battery with a built-in charging controller, connected to a power source, but how to control the process? You can of course include an ammeter in the circuit, you say, and you will be right.

How to make a smokehouse from barrels

The presented model of the smokehouse is made quite simply. The necessary tools are a grinder with a metal disc, a drill or a screwdriver, a standard set of pliers and screwdrivers. The use of a welding machine is not required. The service life of such a smokehouse, if used correctly, can be more than a dozen years.