You need to collect cones from the beginning of May, while they are green, small and soft. They grow both individually and in clusters.
To make jam from cones, you will need the following ingredients:
• Pine cones;
• water;
• sugar.
Stage 1: you need to take 1 kg of cones, rinse and clean them of needles;

Stage 2: fill the cones with water (2.5 l will be needed at this rate of cones) and set to cook. After the broth with cones boils, cook another 40 minutes. We leave the cones to infuse in the broth for 12 hours;
Stage 3: we separate the broth from the cones. We postpone the cones for a while. Add sugar to the broth. For this, it is necessary to measure an equal amount of broth and sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. Mix sugar with broth);

Stage 4: boil the syrup for 1 hour 30 minutes. Gradually, the syrup thickens and changes color from light amber to rich ruby;
Stage 5: after 1 hour and 10 minutes. add cones to the syrup;
Stage 6: pour hot jam into jars. You can use banks with a twist, and seaming;
Stage 7: turn the cans over so that condensation does not accumulate during cooling.

Store jam in a dark place, not necessarily in the refrigerator.
This jam has a pleasant, slightly sour sweet taste. Cones are edible. They are soft and pleasant to taste. Cones can be chewed and washed down with tea.

This cone jam is not used in cooking, it is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases.