How to grow a bouquet of flowers in just a couple of hours


A beautiful flower that will never fade can be a great gift or just decorate your home.
To work, we need:
  • Scissors (large and small)
  • Beads or beads
  • Pliers
  • Ruler
  • Brush
  • Glue
  • Scotch
  • Awl
  • -4pcs colored sheets of office paper
  • Wire (thin)
  • Stationery knife
  • Butterfly and leaflets (for decoration)
  • Flower pattern (you can print or draw)

Getting to work.
1) We take colored sheets of office paper.

2) Using a stationery knife, cut into strips of 2.5 cm

3) We turn the resulting strips into an accordion, 3 cm long.

4) We already circle the existing flower template and cut it out with the help of small scissors (it’s more convenient). You should get 8 patterns with one accordion.

5) Using an awl we make a hole so that we can collect our flower. For one flower, we need 5 patterns.

6) Using pliers, cut the wire 8 cm long. It will be a stalk. We put beads or a bead on the wire and fix it so that it does not fall.
7) We proceed to the collection of the flower. We put on the first template, smear it with glue with a brush and press it to the bead.

We also do the rest to make a flower.
8) We need the number of flowers. Using adhesive tape we fix them in a bouquet. I planted my flower in a flower pot and decorated it.


Watch the video: Free Rose Plants. How I take cuttings from a bouquet (December 2024).