The pluses include:
1. The material is much cheaper than brick and wood, it is not difficult to make yourself.
2. This makes the construction of a house from such material cost-effective.
3. For walls of cinder blocks do not require a massive foundation.
4. The structure does not differ from buildings made of other building materials.
5. There are no special requirements for storage and transportation.
The minuses include:
1. Afraid of water. You need to work with it in dry weather at an air temperature of at least 15 ° C.
2. To ensure noise and heat insulation, it is necessary to carefully select the materials from which the cinder blocks are made.
3. Cinder block walls are always cold to the touch.
The fact that cinder blocks can be made both industrial and artisanal, this leads to the cheapness of construction. The difference in the fillers for the manufacture of building blocks makes the quality of the blocks themselves produced in different regions completely different. In the places of production of this building material with a developed industry, where industrial waste can be used, a significant reduction in the environmental friendliness of cinder blocks is likely. Some experts recommend checking cinder blocks for radioactivity.
When building walls from cinder blocks, you must strictly adhere to a specific technology, since otherwise a structural strength violation may occur. When laying walls, it is necessary to take into account that the thickness of the joints should be no more than 1.5 cm, otherwise heat and sound insulation will be reduced. When laying walls in each 4 rows, you need to do reinforcement. This will greatly strengthen the entire structure.
After the walls are lined up, they begin to install the roof, since non-plastered walls from the cinder block cannot be left unprotected for a long time. Under the influence of atmospheric phenomena, they can lose their qualities. During the construction of the roof, it is necessary to ensure good drainage, since moisture on the walls can lead to serious consequences.
Walls made of cinder blocks are poorly plastered due to poor adhesion between plaster and building stone. For wall decoration use special solutions with increased strength.
Houses from cinder blocks need to be insulated with external decoration of the house. The best insulation material for such buildings is foam. It is not expensive, holds heat well and does not need vapor barrier. Exterior decoration can be brickwork or siding.
The interior decoration of such a wall also differs from the usual version. Tiles can be laid directly on the blocks. Wallpaper can also be glued directly to the wall, provided that its surface is fairly even.