Quilling Heart


Sometimes we spend so much time choosing a gift for our second half that we forget that the most valuable gift is a DIY gift.
In order to make a heart out of paper, we need red paper, one sheet is enough, a stationery knife, PVA glue, a marker, matches and a ruler.
In order to form parts, it is necessary to cut strips of paper with a clerical knife, approximately 0.5 cm wide and 30 cm long.
After you cut the stripes (pieces 20-25), you need to take a piece of paper and draw a heart on it, which you will subsequently fill out.
Then you need to start the most important thing - the manufacture of parts. To do this, you need to take a match and tightly wind one strip of paper on it until the end.
And when you finish winding, carefully remove the skein from the match. You should get such an element.
After you remove the skein from the match, put it on the table and it will slowly unfold and take the following shape.
The end of the paper must be sealed with PVA glue. This glue, when it dries, becomes transparent, therefore it is very well suited for Quilling.
You need to make 20-25 such elements (how many stripes of paper there are), well, then start to fill in the drawn heart.
Fill the heart completely with elements and glue it with the same glue between each other. After you have glued all the elements, leave the heart to dry, and then you can donate. I want to note that you can use paper of any color and make various shapes of different sizes.
Quilling is an entertaining and interesting activity that does not require a lot of effort. Elements are pretty easy to get, and putting them together is the easiest job.
We create a Heart from Quilling and that’s what we got.
Great gift for a girl. Especially for the site sdelaysam-svoimirukami.ru


Watch the video: Quilled Hearts 5 different Hearts Easy to make Quilled Hearts (January 2025).