Do-it-yourself sliding interior door


One of the affordable and effective ways to free up additional space in a small room is to install a sliding interior door. In addition to its practicality, such doors are also distinguished by their original and elegant appearance.

At first glance, the design seems complicated, but it only seems so. You can make and install a sliding interior door in an apartment or house without problems with your own hands.

In fact, the most “complex” unit is a sliding mechanism, but even beginners with its assembly should not have any problems. Doing the door leaf is also not difficult.

First of all, the author cuts the boards for the door in size, after passing them through the thicknessing machine. Which boards to use is up to you. But the more beautiful the texture will be, the more original the door will turn out.

The main stages of work

At the next stage, the master proceeds to gluing the door leaf. To do this, you will first need to drill holes in the boards and install wooden dowels, and then only they can be glued together.

Along the door leaf, the author makes two long grooves into which the wooden planks insert. Then it will be necessary to prepare the details for the manufacture of the sliding mechanism.

Further, in the place where the door will be located, marking is made and a guide is mounted on which the rollers will move. The door leaf is varnished by the master.

Then a metal handle and an aluminum corner are attached to the door. The master screws the rollers to the top of the door. Next, we hang the door itself, and enjoy the result.

For details on how to make a sliding interior door with your own hands, see this video.


Watch the video: DIY Sliding Barn Door. How To (October 2024).