Chicken fillet with tomatoes and cheese


Chicken fillet with tomatoes and cheese "Half an hour and everyone is happy." All people love a tasty and satisfying meal. But nobody wants to stand by the stove for half a day. And to cook something tasty, it is not necessary to spend long hours in the kitchen. To save your time, you can use the oven. I offer you a recipe for a delicious, delicious chicken breast fillet with tomatoes and cheese. Cooking time will be only thirty minutes, and your meal will be admired all day.

  • - chicken fillet - eight hundred grams;
  • - two tomatoes;
  • - mayonnaise - about thirty milliliters;
  • - salt - to taste;
  • - cheese - one hundred grams;
  • - ground pepper - to taste;
  • - sunflower oil - about fifteen milliliters;
  • - garlic - three cloves.
Cut the chicken breast in half. We beat it off lightly with a kitchen hammer. Do not overdo it, otherwise it will fall apart. We need to do this so that the meat is the same thickness, because the breast is thicker on top. And also, it will save cooking time. Add salt and pepper.
We spread the chicken on a baking sheet or a form previously greased with sunflower oil. It’s okay if the whole bottom of the pan is completely covered with chicken, the pieces will decrease during cooking. And they will look like a separate portion.
Lubricate each piece of fillet with a small amount of mayonnaise. It will add taste and fat content. Cut garlic into a small cube and sprinkle chicken on it.
Cut the tomatoes into thin rings.
Each filet should have two rings. Solim.
Rub the cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle on top.
We close the baking sheet with a lid and send it to the oven for ten minutes. The dish will boil and be half ready.
Next, remove the lid and remove the chicken back for twenty minutes. Top should be a beautiful appetizing crust.
After time, the dish is ready. Bon Appetit.


Watch the video: Fill The Chicken With Cheese And Fold It. So Easy & Delicious! (October 2024).