Spacious chicken coop made from plywood


Who said that poultry need less comfort than people? Everyone wants warmth and comfort, especially in non-flying weather.

Why not make a spacious and beautiful chicken coop for chickens? Suddenly, as a token of gratitude, will they carry more eggs?

In general, as they say: “If you don’t try, you won’t know!”, So we’ll try. This grandiose project will require blocks, boards and plywood.

Also do not forget to buy nails with self-tapping screws. But how to fix it all? Glue alone is not enough.

The main stages of work

First of all, we collect the base of the chicken coop. Everything is simple: we connect four legs with boards. For greater rigidity we put jibs.

On top of the base we fasten a sheet of plywood. As you understand, this will be the floor of the chicken coop.

At the next stage, we assemble the frame of future walls. Nothing complicated here either. Cut the boards to size, then glue, screw and install.

Next, we make the roof frame. We install it on top of the chicken coop. As a roofing we use a sheet of plywood.

What chicken coop without a feeder? We knock together the box of the required size, mount it in the chicken coop, and fix the lid on the piano loops.

It is imperative to provide for the presence of windows - for access to sunlight and air. We install a metal mesh on the window openings.

At the last stage, it remains only to sheathe the wooden frame with sheets of plywood or a wooden lining. Well, then we paint the bird house so that it looks beautiful on the site.

For details on how to make a spacious chicken coop with your own hands from plywood and boards, see the video.


Watch the video: How To Build Chicken Coop - Amazing easy chicken coops to build (October 2024).